Friday, December 13, 2013

Welcome to the world, Porter Lynn!

I wanted to chance to share my birth story and pictures of my precious son, Porter. Because what photographer- or person- doesn't love to show off pictures of their baby? :)

My water broke at 1am on Saturday, October 26th. It was kind of funny because my husband had been up for over 48 hours straight from work and then deer hunting. As we went to bed that night (him being exhausted) he told me, "Please don't go into labor tonight!" Welllll....sorry babe!

Turns out though, Porter had other plans. Or at least my body did. After a very long and painful Saturday, my body just wasn't cooperating and we realized Porter was not going to come out the way we had planned. Porter arrived by C-section on Sunday, October 27th at 7:30 am. A beautiful 7 lbs 11oz and 21.25 inches long. I remember as they were wheeling me back for my C-section, I felt like I was delirious from all the exhaustion and pain but yet the first thought going through my head was that of panic and how was I going to take all his newborn pictures like I had planned? Wow- only a photographer would be stressing about pictures before surgery! Ha! I was able to take his pictures like I had planned, however I had to pace myself and just take a few pictures each day. Crystal Zabka photography also came over and helped me take some and also do some family pics, thank goodness!

So here he is, introducing my beautiful little man:

Porter at 3 weeks

And now Porter at 6 weeks:

(Getting a little too fat for his stocking, heehee!)

Time is already flyin' by! I plan to start booking pictures again January 2014, but if it takes me more than 24 hours to respond to a message/email- now you might have an idea why! This little guy definitely keeps my hands full! :) Thanks everyone for your well wishes/support/ and to those of you who have stopped by! We are so blessed!!


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